LED Color Sorting
This project demonstrates using sorting algorithms to sort Dotstar RGB LED colors.
Tools: Circuit Python, Adafruit Feather M0 Express, Dotstar RGB LED
- Extracted and cleaned data of over 20,000 observations on 20 years of insurance, yield and corn planted acres in RMA-USDA and NASS-USDA with STATA
- Visualized the corn insurance purchase in the Midwest area with ArcGIS software
- Developed FE and SUR regression model to determine the policy impact on insurance demand and the insurance demand elasticities regarding loss-risk, premium, subsidy, yield
- Analyzed the results in the thesis: “An Empirical Analysis of Crop Insurance demand: Evidence from Corn Insurance in the Midwest”
- Preprocessed the property sale dataset with 17,031 observations from Winnebago county IL, including converting addresses in original dataset into geographic coordinates with python and Google Maps Geocoding API key
- Performed data visualization and cluster analysis with Tableau
- Conducted data visualization and property price prediction with Gradient Boosting Regression with python
- Used Principal Component analysis, Cluster analysis, Correspondence analysis and Canonical correlation analysis methods to analyze the crop insurance in 2016 Midwest area with R
Factors analysis of Vegetable Production
- Participated in a farmer survey of two major vegetable production areas in Beijing: Shunyi and Daxing. The survey ran across 19 administrative villages including 197 rural households
- Used the survey data to estimate multinomial logit models to determine factors influencing choice of farmers among different crops with Eviews
- Coordinated with team member and published article:“Analysis of Influencing Factors on the Formation of Main Vegetable Production Areas in Beijing”
Potato Insurance Rate Estimate
- Interviewed local plant-breeding companies, starch production factories and local farmers in Pin Wan Village; documented the development of local agricultural insurance market- Applied ARIMA time series model and Loss Cost Ratio (LCR) ratemaking methodology to estimate potato insurance rate in Pin Wan village with MATLAB and STATA